Jesus' Travels During His Ministry

Jesus is recorded to have preached, taught, and performed miracles in several locations in Israel, including:

Galilee is in the northern part of modern-day Israel, a fertile, mountainous region that includes a large inland sea, the Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias).  Jesus is recorded in the New Testament for having visited:

    • Nazareth: Jesus’ hometown where he lived with his family
    • Capernaum: Often referred to as Jesus’ “own city”, it served as the base of Jesus’ Galilean ministry. Many of his miracles were performed here.
    • Cana: The site of Jesus’ first recorded miracle, turning water into wine at a wedding.
    • Sea of Galilee: The location of several of Jesus’ miracles including walking on water and calming the storm.

Judea is in the southern part of modern-day Israel and the West Bank, encompassing the city of Jerusalem. Areas of activity include:

    • Bethlehem: Though not a part of his ministry, it is Jesus’ birthplace according to the New Testament.
    • Jerusalem: The spiritual center of Judaism; Jesus visited Jerusalem several times during his ministry. Key events like the Cleansing of the Temple and the Last Supper took place here.
    • Bethany: The home of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead, and his sisters Mary and Martha.
    • Judean Desert: The location of Jesus’ 40-day fast and temptation

Samaria lies between Galilee and Judea and is part of the modern-day Northern West Bank. Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well near Sychar (modern-day Nablus), the ancient city of Shechem,

The Decapolis was a group of ten cities on the eastern frontier of the Roman Empire in Judea and Syria. While not all in Israel, several affected Jesus’ ministry. Jesus performed the miracle of the Gadarene swine in Gadara.

Perea was a region east of the Jordan River and part of the historical kingdom of Herod Antipas during the time of Jesus. He traveled through Perea on his final journey to Jerusalem.

Phoenicia was the coastal region corresponding to modern-day Lebanon.  Jesus visited Tyre and Sidon, interacting with a Syrophoenician woman.

An 1860 map of the Travels of Jesus Christ through the Holy Land. maps like this were used to teach people about the Bible, as well as interest people in the Holy Land.