6 Reasons to Buy Life Insurance

magnifying glass life insuranceFor many people, their first experience with life insurance is when a friend or acquaintance gets an insurance license. In my case, a college friend, recently hired by a major insurance company, contacted me (along with all of his other friends) to buy a $10,000 policy underwritten by his company.

Unfortunately, however, this is how most people acquire life insurance – they don’t buy it, it is sold to them. But is life insurance something that you truly need, or is it merely an inconvenience shoved under your nose by a salesperson? While it may seem like the latter is true, there are actually many reasons why you should purchase life insurance.

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8 Tips to Protect Yourself from Rising Healthcare Costs

Rising healthcare costsThe impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, informally referred to as “Obamacare,” is likely to be felt by Americans in the near future through higher healthcare insurance premiums, increased difficulty in making doctor appointments, and decreased face-to-face consultations with their personal physicians. While the exorbitant annual increases in healthcare costs of past years could moderate – and possibly reverse – in the long-term as a result of the act, everyone should be prepared for higher healthcare expenses in the short-term.

Each American will be required to assume more financial responsibility for his or her health. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to moderate the higher costs while improving the health of yourself and your family. Most steps merely involve simple changes in lifestyle and everyday habits.

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Term vs. Whole Life – Which Should You Choose?

couple looking at chartsMany young men about to propose marriage struggle to choose the perfect wedding ring – whether to buy an elaborate and expensive diamond, or a simpler, less expensive gold band. Each ring serves the same purpose as a symbol of everlasting commitment, but there is a substantial difference in cost, as well as the possible reaction of friends and family and the expectations of the recipient.

Choosing life insurance can pose a similar conundrum. While all life insurance provides funds in the event of the insured’s death, the same factors – the purpose for which the funds are intended, the cost, and the needs of the beneficiary – have to be considered when selecting the type of life insurance most appropriate to your situation.

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How to Prepare for a Job Interview

How to Prepare for an Interview
How to Prepare for an Interview
The need to effectively communicate one’s personality, abilities, and experiences to others is important from the day you begin playing with other kids and throughout your childhood and adult life. Your skill in the critical process of interviewing determines your friends, your spouse, your job, and career. Fortunately, interviewing is a skill that can be learned and improves with practice, whether your objective is to get that first job or a promotion in management ranks.
Unfortunately, in today’s business environment, there are often hundreds of applicants for every job opening, and multiple candidates for every promotion. The ability to separate from the competition, to distinguish one’s self from the pool of equally qualified contenders during the job interview process is crucial. Yet, in my experience, less than one in four candidates were adequately prepared to create a winning impression.

The following tips will help you be ready when your next opportunity appears:

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