How to Use Social Media to Increase Sales

social mediaThe business marketplace now is more fecund than at any point in history. Yet it is harshly discriminating, rewarding only those who are able to master its complexity and rise above the cacophony of simultaneous competitive messages. Traditional marketing avenues – print, radio, and television – have lost their dominance in the last decade as the use of the Internet and new social media has exploded. The time spent by Americans on the Internet has risen more than 25% year-over-year (320,689 million minutes, 2011; 401,699 million minutes, 2012) according to the Nielson 2012 Social Media Report – and if you want to sell anything in today’s market, you must be visible online.

Josh James, founder of Omniture (now part of Adobe), writes in Forbes about the value of social media: “Social media isn’t a passing fad. The primary reason you have to be social is because that is where your customers live.” Having recognized the way social media is transforming consumer purchasing decisions, James has made social media usage a condition of employment at his new startup, Domo.

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6 Things You Need to Know About Raising Capital

Coin stacksThis article appeared first in the Huffington Post Small Business Blog on June 23, 2013.
“Money makes the world go around, of that we can be sure,” sang Alan Cummings in the popular stage play “Cabaret.” Certainly, the half-million Americans starting new businesses in 2012 have reason to suspect the truth of those lyrics since raising capital, whether to fund a new technological marvel or open a franchised restaurant, is one of the most challenging aspects of starting a new business.

Unfortunately, the need for capital never ends. This means that understanding how to find and shake the “money tree” is critical. And before you begin your search, there are a number of crucial questions you must ask yourself – and answer.

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How to Raise Venture Capital – Lessons from the “Shark Tank”

shark tank
The old adage, “Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door,” is no longer valid, and may never have been true in the first place. There are literally thousands of inventions and new products sitting in garages, workshops, and laboratories across the country, and they will never see the light of day simply because the inventor, lacking the capital to manufacture and market his idea with his own resources, is unable to attract investors.

Though there must be a way to find the money to back such a project, where can you turn to look for guidance?

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